
Showing posts from 2018

Best Gut

Hack for Health As project manager for 4 person team, I led prototyping of a proof-of-concept biotech solution for my first hackathon, the Gupta Family Hackathon for Health Communication. Stats 📖 Skills Upgrades:        Biotech knowledge, prototyping, project management, pitching 💻 Platforms Used:           Keynote ⏰ Est.Time Req.:              28 hrs (4 hrs registration and prep + 24 hrs Hacking) Background Dr. Sanjay Gupta I participated in the 2018 Hackathon for Health Communication, organized by the University of Michigan (UM) Insitute of Healthcare Policy and Innovation and supported by UM alumni (and CNN host!) Sanjay Gupta, M.D., and his wife Rebecca. The goal was to "hack" solutions to health communication challenges. The Friday through Sunday event brought together over 120 students and professionals in the Ann Arbor and surrounding areas. Teams hacked 24 hrs to complete concepts, designs, prototypes, and business plans. Over 2 dozen UM faculty members an