

I'm Justin, a PM.
Here's a sampling of the projects I've done. 

I'll be migrating to a prettier site soon. 
Please stay tuned.

Polar Clarity
NSIN Hacks 2021 POLAR VORTEX Hackathon finalist. The solution is an immersive weather visualization platform that enables logistical commanders to easily understand and predict weather in Alaska in full 3D geo context. 
Quarantine Quest
A prototype app that won 2nd place in the 2020 VR Hackathon. 
The theme of the Hackathon was "touch-free solutions for a post-pandemic world", so my 6 person team and I created an escape room that would be a fun and educational way to teach users about COVID and accessibility challenges.

Humanity 2100
An underwater world in AltspaceVR that shows how humans could surivive in the future. Shows the impact of climate change on our oceans.

A game submission for the 2020 Unity Create with Code Game Jam. The theme of the competition was "secrets", so my 3 person team and I created a labrynth of surprises. 

Code with Unity
A set of 10 Unity projects that I completed as part of the Intro to Unity course from Universe. These projects incorporate gameplay mechanics, UI/UX, and sound design. 

Best Gut
A proof-of-concept biotech solution for the 2018 Gupta Family Hackathon for Health Communication. My team of 4 designed the device to be implanted in your toilet and analyze your stool’s contents to diagnose your health right from home. 

Sunrise Movement Los Angeles Organizational Change
A report I commissioned to identify Sunrise Movement Los Angeles'  challenges that arose from COVID-19. The report completed by my team of 5 proposed actionable counter-measures to boost activist capacity from 60% to 100%, all of which are currently being implemented by my team today. 

Sunrise Movement Los Angeles Mapping 
A geographic information system (GIS) StoryMapping tool to help people visualize the connected nature of race, environment, and politics with climate change. Led a team of 12 volunteers in designing, building, and publishing the tool to Sunrise LA website. Presented at 2021 ESRI User Conference.


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