Code with Unity

Code with Unity

Over 8 weeks, I learned Unity fundamentals such as how to navigate the Unity interface, develop gameplay mechanics, and understand UI and sound design. Prepared me for developing VR worlds and learning advanced Unity.


📖 Skills Upgrades:        Unity interface, C# scripting, gameplay mechanics, UI and sound design
💻 Platforms Used:         Unity 2018.4
⏰ Est.Time Req.:           70 hrs


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Took an Intro to Unity course through Universe by Nicolas Barone and his team. The course utilized Unity's Creating with Code online course content that empowers beginners to build and program their own applications using C#. We met weekly in AltspaceVR to reinforce concepts through discussion and quizzes.


Unit 5: User Interface

Skills: UI, reset buttons, mouse interaction, scoring
Whack a food

Unit 4: Gameplay Mechanics

Skills: Powerups, enemy difficulty over time, forces

Unit 3: Sound and Effects

Skills: Repeating backgrounds, particle effects, scrolling, music

Unit 2: Basic Gameplay

Skills: if-then statements, random val generation, arrays, collision detection, prefabs, instantiation

Unit 1: Player Control

Skills: calling basic functions, declaring new variables, modifying functions

Next Steps

I plan on learning how to build a proof of concept VR simulation for automotive training and deploying some of these skills to hackathons. Stay tuned!


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